Dalam konteks bisnis, penggajian mengacu pada proses menghitung, mencatat, dan membayar gaji, upah, dan tunjangan karyawan. Aktivitas ini melibatkan pengelolaan transaksi keuangan yang terkait dengan kompensasi karyawan, termasuk pajak, pemotongan, dan pemotongan lainnya.
Komponen penggajian biasanya mencakup sebagai berikut:
1. Gaji kotor: Jumlah total uang yang diperoleh oleh karyawan sebelum pajak dan pemotongan.
2. Pajak dan pemotongan: Pajak federal, negara bagian, dan lokal, serta pemotongan untuk asuransi kesehatan, rencana pensiun, dan manfaat lainnya.
3. Pembayaran bersih: Pembayaran pulang, atau jumlah uang yang benar-benar diterima karyawan setelah pajak dan pemotongan.
4. Pajak penggajian: Pajak yang dibayarkan oleh majikan kepada pemerintah, termasuk pajak Jaminan Sosial dan kesehatan
1. Pengumpulan data: Mengumpulkan informasi karyawan, seperti jam kerja, tingkat pembayaran, dan tunjangan.
2. Perhitungan: Menghitung upah kotor, pajak, dan pemotongan berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan.
3. Pencatatan: Mempertahankan catatan transaksi penggajian yang akurat, termasuk jam kerja, tingkat pembayaran, dan tunjangan.
4. Pembayaran: Mengeluarkan gaji atau menyetor dana langsung ke rekening bank karyawan.
5. Kepatuhan: Memastikan kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan peraturan yang relevan, seperti hukum pajak, hukum ketenagakerjaan, dan peraturan tunjangan.
Beberapa manfaat utama dari manajemen penggajian yang efisien meliputi:
1. Peningkatan kepuasan karyawan: Gaji tepat waktu dan akurat dapat meningkatkan moral karyawan dan mengurangi omset.
2. Mengurangi kesalahan: Pemrosesan penggajian yang akurat dapat mengurangi kesalahan dan meminimalkan risiko sengketa atau audit.
3. Kepatuhan: Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan yang relevan dapat membantu menghindari denda, hukuman, dan kerusakan reputasi.
4. Penghematan biaya: Pengolahan penggajian yang efisien dapat membantu mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja dan meminimalkan risiko kesalahan atau perselisihan.
5. Perencanaan keuangan yang lebih baik: Catatan penggajian yang akurat dapat memberikan wawasan berharga tentang biaya tenaga kerja dan membantu menginformasikan keputusan bisnis.
Di Indonesia, kepatuhan penggajian terhadap hukum dan peraturan sangat penting untuk menghindari hukuman, denda, dan kerusakan reputasi. Berikut adalah beberapa aspek kunci dari kepatuhan penggajian di Indonesia:
1. Pajak Pendapatan (PPh):
2. Pajak Nilai Tambah (PPN) dan Pajak Penjualan
3. BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketengakerjaan
4. Hukum ketenagakerjaan (UU. 13/2003):
5. Pengajuan dan Pembayaran Elektronik (e-Filing):
6. Pelaporan dan Pencatatan:
7. Kepatuhan dengan Peraturan:
Berikut adalah tantangan umum dalam manajemen penggajian:
1. Kompleksitas Peraturan Penggajian: Peraturan yang selalu berubah bisa sulit untuk dipatuhi.
2. Akurasi dan Integritas Data: Data karyawan yang tidak akurat atau tidak lengkap dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dalam pemrosesan penggajian.
3. Proses Mengkonsumsi Waktu dan Manual: Pemrosesan penggajian manual dapat memakan waktu dan rentan terhadap kesalahan.
4. Kepatuhan terhadap Hukum dan Peraturan Tenaga Kerja: Kegagalan untuk mematuhi hukum dan peraturan ketenagakerjaan dapat mengakibatkan denda dan hukuman.
5. Harapan dan Tuntutan Karyawan: Memenuhi harapan dan tuntutan karyawan mengenai penggajian, tunjangan, dan kompensasi dapat menjadi tantangan.
6. Kendala Anggaran: Mengelola biaya penggajian dalam kendala anggaran bisa sulit.
7. Integrasi dengan Sistem SDM Lain: Mengintegrasikan sistem penggajian dengan sistem SDM lainnya dapat menjadi tantangan karena perbedaan dalam arsitektur sistem dan format data.
8. Keamanan dan Perlindungan Data: Melindungi data penggajian sensitif dari pelanggaran dan akses tidak sah sangat penting.
9. Skalabilitas dan Fleksibilitas: Sistem penggajian harus dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan jumlah karyawan, peran pekerjaan, dan struktur kompensasi.
10. Komunikasi dan Transparansi: Mengomunikasikan perubahan dan informasi terkait penggajian kepada karyawan dan pemangku kepentingan sangat penting untuk membangun kepercayaan dan menjaga kepuasan karyawan.
Di era digital saat ini, pemrosesan penggajian adalah fungsi penting yang membutuhkan akurasi, efisiensi, dan pemahaman kepatuhan yang baik. Untuk setiap itu bisnis disarankan untuk memililiki software payroll-nya sendiri agar dapat melakukan manajemen penggajian secara sistematis. Berikut manfaat menggunakan Software untuk aktivitas penggajian:
● Fleksibilitas dan kelebihan untuk menangani struktur gaji, memastikan bahwa pengusaha dapat melakukan penggajian yang akurat secara instan dengan mengirim email langsung ke karyawan.
● Menangani secara otomatis semua pemotongan sesuai hukum yang berlaku dan menghasilkan laporan yang diperlukan.
● Menyediakan manajemen pajak penghasilan yang komprehensif, termasuk laporan pajak bulanan yang akurat dan dokumen terkait lainnya.
● Selain itu, sistem ini memberikan akuntabilitas penuh pemrosesan penggajian dan laporan lainnya, seperti rekonsiliasi jumlah kepala karyawan dan rekonsiliasi jenis transfer penggajian.
Untuk mendapatkan berbagai manfaat tersebut, kami merekomendasikan GreytHR sebagai software payroll payroll berbasis cloud yang mengotomatisasi pemrosesan penggajian, termasuk perhitungan, pelaporan, dan kepatuhan.
● Dipercaya oleh lebih dari 2 juta pengguna, dan lebih dari 20000 perusahaan di seluruh dunia
● Tersertifikasi oleh GDPR, AICPA SOC 2, dan bersertifikat ISO 27001
● Pembelajaran komprehensif dan ekosistem dukungan pelangganyang lengkap
● Harga yang terjangkau untuk UKM dan Start-up (Paket berlangganan mulai dari gratis)
● UI yang intuitif dan fitur modern
● Kehadiran Mitra secara Global (termasuk Indonesia)
Dalam hal ini, PT. Indo Krisna Teknologi bangga menjadi mitra eksklusif GreytHR di Indonesia. Dengan keahlian dan dukungan kami, Anda dapat akan mendapatkan ketenangan untuk setiap aktivitas payroll yang begitu rumit di dalam bisnis anda?
● Mitra Eksklusif GreytHR di Indonesia
● Terdiri dari para profesional dengan pengalaman lebih dari 6 tahun dalam menangani berbagai masalah industri di Indonesia
● Telah berhasil melayani 3 negara yaitu India, Singapura, dan Indonesia
● Layanan personal yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda
● Harga layanan yang adil dan optimal terutama untuk UKM dan Start-Up
Sebagai langkah awal anda dapat menghubungi kami untuk menjadwalkan konsultasi gratis dan kami akan mengatasi permasalahan payroll bisnis anda dengan solusi terbarukan dari GreytHR. Klik di sini untuk mengisi form dan kami akan menghubungi anda!
Baru-baru ini Forbes Advisor merilis 9 Software Payroll yang diklaim cocok untuk segmen UMKM. disebutkan dalam artikel tersebut software payroll yang paling murah adalah Rippling dengan harga mulai dari 8$ saja per pengguna per bulan. Apakah benar software payroll tersebut cocok untuk UMKM? Di sisi lain, kami juga membandingkan software tersebut dengan salah satu software payroll yang cukup terkenal dari India yakni GreytHR. Kami sudah menyiapkan 6 hal kritis untuk anda ketahui sebelum berlangganan GreytHR maupun Rippling diantaranya: Harga, Kebijakan keamanan, Layanan Bantuan, Fasilitas Pembelajaran, Demografi Pengguna, dan Review Online Pengguna.
Rippling adalah platform untuk HR, IT, penggajian, dan manajemen pengeluaran yang dapat digunakan untuk mengelola seluruh siklus hidup karyawan, mulai dari perekrutan hingga administrasi tunjangan. Rippling juga mengotomatiskan tugas-tugas SDM, memastikan kepatuhan, dan menyederhanakan persetujuan. Rippling juga dapat menangani manajemen perangkat, akses perangkat lunak, dan pemantauan kepatuhan, dari dasbor yang sama, dan menyediakan dukungan penggajian, visibilitas keuangan real-time, dan kebijakan pengeluaran yang dinamis.
Platform greytHR adalah rangkaian solusi HR cloud untuk usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM). Platform ini menawarkan alat produktivitas untuk manajemen sumber daya manusia, menyederhanakan proses SDM, dan penyampaian layanan SDM. GreytHR juga menyediakan portal karyawan untuk manajer dan layanan mandiri karyawan yang mengarah pada keterlibatan karyawan dan penghematan waktu secara menyeluruh.
Perangkat lunak GreytHR digunakan oleh lebih dari 20.000 organisasi dan 2 juta pengguna di India, dan lebih dari 20 negara termasuk Uni Emirat Arab, Arab Saudi, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, dan Bahrain.
Mulai dari 8$ atau 120 ribu rupiah. Di sini Rippling tidak mencantumkan secara detail mengenai pricing plannya, dan jika anda ingin mengetahui pricing plan-nya secara detail, maka anda harus menjadwalkan demo terlebih dulu dengan mereka.
Menariknya, GreytHR memiliki pricing plan 'starter' yang bisa didapatkan secara gratis. Anda tidak perlu memerlukan uang sedikit pun untuk dapat mengaksesnya, akan tetapi perlu diingat bahwa tentu dengan beberapa fitur yang terbatas. Hal ini cocok untuk bisnis kecil dan menengah yang baru mau mengeksplorasi HRMS/Payroll Software. Namun, sebagai catatan apabila anda hanya ingin mengakses software bagian payroll saja anda bisa mendapatkan dengan menyediakan uang sebanyak $20 saja atau sekitar Rp 300 ribu rupiah dengan add-ons per user hanya sebesar $1 dollar.
Akses fitur Lengkap Rippling pada plan starter dengan klik di sini
Akses fitur Lengkap GreytHR pada plan starter dengan klik di sini
Berdasarkan laman resminya, Rippling memiliki beberapa sertifikasi daiataranya:
1. SOC 1 Type II
2. ISO 27001
3. CSA STAR Level 2
3. ISO 27001
Kami menilai kedua brand telah memiliki standar sertifikasi keamanan yang minimal dengan masing-masing memiliki ISO 27001 yang biasa dimiliki oleh SaaS provider di seluruh dunia. Akan tetapi menariknya GreytHR telah memiliki sertifikasi GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) yang merupakan undang-undang untuk melindungi privasi dan data pengguna di kawasan Uni Eropa. sertidikasi merupakan salah satu standar yang sulit didapatkan dikarenakan GDPR sendiri memiliki regulasi yang ketat. Oleh karena itu suatu nilai yang berharga untuk GreytHR karena telah memiliki sertifikasi tersebut.
Salah satu nilai plus dari Rippling adalah memiliki diferensiasi dalam hal penanganan keluhan pelanggan. Berdasarkan websitenya, terdapat bagian dasbor analitik untuk waktu penanganan pelanggan dari live chat maupun email. Data tersebut dapat diakses semua pihak sehingga Rippling dapat dikatakan peduli dengan pelanggan dengan menujukksn fitur real-time response tersbu. Akan tetapi, sejauh informasi yang kami peroleh, Rippling belum mengadakan kemitraan atau reseller program sehingga setiap keluhan pelanggan ditangani langsung oleh pihak Rippling.
GreytHR memiliki sistem penanganan keluhan pelanggan dengan menggunakan melalui email, live chat, dan juga mitra reseller yang berkerja sama dengan GreytHR. Berdasarkan situs review software G2, banyak pengguna melaporkan bahwa GreytHR memiliki penanganan keluhan yang baik dimana rata-rata email dibalas di hari yang sama, selain itu sistem keluhan pelanggan melalui live chat juga ditangani dengan baik.
Selain itu, nilai plus dari GreytHR yaitu GreytHR memiliki mitra partner yang dapat membantu penanganan keluhan dari pelanggan. Dikarenakan mitra reseller seringkali lebih disukai oleh klien karena kedekatan dan hubungan yang dijali sejak lebih erat daripada pihak provider. Seperti contohnya PT. Indo Krisna Teknologi yang menjadi satu-satunya partner GreytHR di Indonesia.
Hal yang selanjutnya perlu dipertimbangkan oleh para pengguna dari bisnis kecil-menengah adalah ekosistem pembelajaran yang disediakan oleh pihak provider. berdasarkan riset kami sejauh ini Rippling menyediakan panduan/template siap pakai yang disediakan dalam website hanya sebanyak 70+. Selain itu Rippling juga menjadwalkan banyak webinar dengan berbagai topik yang dapat diikuti secara umum dan tentunya terdapat juga akademi pembelajaran apabila klien lebih suka melakukan self-learning.
Di sisi lain, GreytHR menawarkan fasilitas pembelajaran yang jauh lebih komprehensif dengan menyediakan blog, panduan, template (lebih dari 150 template siap pakai), sampai dengan HR Garden yang berfungsi untuk memperkaya wawasan mengenai bagian sumber daya manusia. Jika di total maka GreytHR memiliki 10 fasilitas pembelajaran untuk mendukung pelanggan dibanding Rippling yang hanya menyediakan 3 fasilitas saja.
Jika anda memiliki anggaran lebih untuk berlangganan software Payroll anda dapat mempertimbangkan Rippling, terlebih jika anda adalah perusahaan global yang memiliki karyawan di banyak negara dan harus berurusan dengan regulasi yang tersebar di beberapa daerah.
Sedangkan, jika anda adalah seorang pemilik bisnis kecil dan menengah dan masih mengeksplorasi bagaimana cara menggunakan platform HRMS/Payroll dengan anggaran yang terbatas, maka kami lebih merekomendasikan GreytHR. Dengan paket berlangganan gratis anda bisa mendapatkan fitur HRMS/Payroll secara komprehensif dosertai dengan ekosistem pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Selain itu GreytHR juga saat ini telah memiliki mitra eksklusif dan pertamanya di Indonesia yaitu PT. Indo Krisna Teknologi. Dengan kehadiran mitra, pelanggan dapat lebih leluasa untuk melakukan konsultasi sampai dengan training dikarenakan kehadiran mitra yang lebih paham dengan kondisi daerah dimana klien tersebut berada. Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut bagaimana GreytHR dapat menyelesaikan keperluan Payroll perusahaan anda, hubungi kami untuk menjadwalkan konsultasi gratis dengan klik di sini
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) hadir sebagai solusi untuk merampingkan proses SDM, meningkatkan efisiensi, dan mendorong produktivitas karyawan. Namun, memilih HRMS yang tepat bukanlah keputusan yang bisa diambil sembarangan. Ada beberapa pertimbangan kritis yang harus diperhatikan oleh para pebisnis sebelum berinvestasi di HRMS.
Langkah pertama yang krusial adalah menentukan jenis software HRMS yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Ada dua jenis utama yang perlu dipertimbangkan, yakni software berbasis on-premise atau cloud-based.
Aspek | HRMS on-Premise | HRMS Berbasis Cloud |
Pengelolaan | Diinstal dan dijalankan pada server bisnis; memerlukan pemeliharaan dan pembaruan oleh organisasi | Dihosting di server vendor pihak ketiga dan diakses melalui internet; pemeliharaan dan pembaruan oleh vendor |
Biaya | Biaya implementasi satu kali tanpa biaya bulanan atau tahunan | Membayar biaya bulanan atau tahunan untuk penggunaan perangkat lunak |
Kontrol Data | Bisnis memiliki kontrol penuh atas data dan sistem | Kontrol data tergantung pada langkah keamanan vendor |
Kustomisasi | Dapat dikustomisasi sesuai kebutuhan unik bisnis | Tergantung pada vendor, bisa kurang fleksibel untuk kustomisasi spesifik |
Pemeliharaan IT | Memerlukan pengetahuan dan sumber daya IT yang signifikan untuk pemeliharaan dan pembaruan | Beban IT berkurang karena pemeliharaan dan pembaruan oleh vendor |
Integrasi Sistem | Mudah diintegrasikan dengan sistem legacy dan aplikasi lain yang digunakan oleh bisnis | Integrasi dengan sistem legacy dan aplikasi lain bisa lebih menantang |
Skalabilitas dan Fleksibilitas | Mungkin memerlukan investasi besar dalam hardware untuk skala yang lebih besar | Mudah diskalakan sesuai kebutuhan bisnis yang berubah |
Aksesibilitas | Akses terbatas pada lokasi fisik server | Dapat diakses dari mana saja dengan koneksi internet, memudahkan tim remote |
Keamanan Data | Keamanan data berada di bawah kontrol bisnis | Keamanan data bergantung pada langkah-langkah keamanan vendor |
Setelah menentukan jenis software HRMS, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan spesifik bisnis Anda. Perusahaan rintisan dengan belasan karyawan tentu memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda dengan perusahaan besar dengan ribuan karyawan.
awab terlebih dahulu pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
● Berapa jumlah karyawan yang Anda miliki saat ini?
● Seberapa kompleks proses SDM yang ada di perusahaan Anda?
● Modul apa saja yang paling penting bagi bisnis Anda (misalnya, absensi, penggajian, rekrutmen, manajemen kinerja)?
● Apakah Anda memiliki rencana untuk mengembangkan bisnis dan menambah jumlah karyawan dalam waktu dekat?
● Antarmuka Intuitif: Desain sederhana, mudah dipahami, navigasi jelas.
● Pengalaman Pengguna (UX): Proses efisien, alur kerja logis.
● Keterjangkauan (Accessibility): Akses mudah untuk semua, dukungan perangkat dan browser.
● Dokumentasi dan Bantuan: Panduan jelas, FAQ, tutorial, dukungan pelanggan.
● Kustomisasi: Opsi penyesuaian tampilan dan fungsi, pengaturan pribadi.
● Penanganan Kesalahan (Error Handling): Pesan kesalahan informatif, fitur pemulihan.
● Konsistensi: Desain dan fungsi konsisten, terminologi seragam.
● Belajar dan Adaptasi: Kurva belajar pendek, tutorial efektif.
● Feedback: Feedback jelas dan tepat waktu, indikator status informatif.
● Keamanan dan Privasi: Autentikasi mudah dan aman, perlindungan data.
● Performansi: Sistem cepat, responsif, andal.
HRMS adalah investasi jangka panjang. Pertimbangkan dengan matang anggaran yang tersedia untuk berlangganan HRMS. Berikut adalah Hacks/Tips dari Indo Krisna mengenai budget yang dapat timbul ketika membeli software bisnis:
Pertimbangan Budget dalam Membeli Software HRMS:
● Biaya Implementasi Awal: Lisensi perangkat lunak, biaya instalasi, biaya kustomisasi.
● Biaya Pemeliharaan dan Dukungan: Pemeliharaan rutin, dukungan teknis.
● Biaya Pelatihan: Pelatihan pengguna, dokumentasi dan materi pelatihan.
● Biaya Langganan Bulanan/Tahunan: Biaya berlangganan, biaya tambahan untuk modul atau fitur premium.
● Biaya Integrasi: Integrasi dengan sistem lain, penyesuaian data.
● Biaya Infrastruktur: Perangkat keras, penyimpanan data.
● Biaya Keamanan: Keamanan data, kepatuhan.
● Biaya Upgrade dan Pengembangan: Pembaruan versi, pengembangan tambahan.
● Biaya Tidak Terduga: Cadangan anggaran untuk biaya tidak terduga.
● Return on Investment (ROI): Efisiensi dan produktivitas, penghematan biaya jangka panjang.
Pastikan vendor HRMS yang Anda pilih memiliki reputasi yang baik dalam hal dukungan pelanggan dan keamanan data. Dukungan pelanggan yang responsif dan pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang HRMS akan sangat membantu jika Anda mengalami masalah teknis atau membutuhkan bantuan dalam mengoptimalkan penggunaan HRMS. Selain itu, keamanan data adalah hal yang krusial. Pastikan vendor HRMS memiliki fitur keamanan yang kuat seperti enkripsi data dan akses berbasis peran untuk melindungi informasi sensitif karyawan Anda.
Banyak dari UKM mungkin masih belum memiliki staff bagian HR, apalagi berlangganan sistem HRMS. Untuk itu salah satu pertimbangan krusial bagi UKM adalah soal biaya yang timbul dari adanya HRMS ini. Maka dari itu berikut adalah beberapa pertimbangan dalam memilih HRMS yang secara spesifik ditujukan untuk UMKM:
1. Disarankan untuk memilih HRMS yang berbasis penyimpanan cloud. Dikarenakan lebih terjangkau dibanding on-premise yang memerlukan banyak hardware dan biaya instalasi juga sumber daya manusia IT yang mumpuni
2. Menyediakan paket gratis berlangganan. walaaupun tentu akan ada fitur yang terbatas namun hal ini akan sangat menguntungkan bagi UKM
3. Tidak ada ketentuan minimum durasi berlangganan.
4. Tidak ada skema kontrak atau komitmen jangka panjang, dikarenakan UKM merupakan bisnis yang cukup fluktuatif
5. Bisa melakukan upgrade/downgrade paket berlangganan ketika telah membeli HRMS tertentu
Berdasarkan berbagai tips tersebut maka kami merekomendasikan untuk menggunakan salah satu software HRMS yang cukup terkenal di India dari GreytHR.
1. Harga Terjangkau dan Fleksibel
Greythr menawarkan paket harga yang kompetitif dan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran UMKM. Memungkinkan untuk berlangganan bulanan saja ataupun tahunan.
2. Permberdayaan Komunitas yang Sangat Baik
GreytHR meyediakan berbagai kebutuhan penunjang untuk para penggunanya dalam mengakses aplikasi GreytHR. Sebagai contoh webinar rutin, insight dari blog, guide dan template, sampai course di akademi. Hal ini merupakan suatu hal yang cukup penting untuk pelaku UMKM dikarenakan seringkali segmen UMKM memperlukan bimbingan dalam menggunakan software tersebut.
3. Fitur Lengkap
Memiliki berbagai fitur HR esensial seperti pengelolaan data karyawan, absensi, cuti, penggajian, pajak, penilaian kinerja, dan rekrutmen. Juga aplikasi mobile untuk mendukung aktivitas penggajian, manajemen kehadiran, sampai re-imbursement.
4. Kemudahan Penggunaan
Antarmuka pengguna (UI) Greythr intuitif dan mudah dinavigasi, bahkan bagi pengguna yang tidak memiliki latar belakang teknis.
5. Skalabilitas
Greythr dapat disesuaikan dengan pertumbuhan bisnis UMKM. Tersedia berbagai macam add-ons yang dapat ditambahkan sewaktu-waktu ketika langganan sedang berjalan.
6. Dukungan Pelanggan yang Baik
● Greythr menyediakan dukungan pelanggan melalui telepon, email, dan obrolan langsung untuk membantu UMKM mengatasi masalah atau pertanyaan yang mungkin timbul.
● Tim dukungan pelanggan Greythr responsif dan berpengetahuan luas dalam membantu UMKM memaksimalkan penggunaan sistem.
Secara keseluruhan, GreytHR adalah solusi HRMS yang komprehensif, terjangkau, dan mudah digunakan yang dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan UMKM. Dengan fitur-fiturnya yang lengkap, skalabilitas, dan dukungan pelanggan yang baik, GreytHR dapat membantu UMKM meningkatkan efisiensi operasional HR, mengurangi biaya, dan meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan.
Anda tertarik untuk mencoba GreytHR bagi bisnis anda? Anda dapat menjadwalkan demo session dengan kami Indo Krisna sebagai partner resmi dari GreytHR di Indonesia atau request free-trial selama 7 hari untuk mencoba fitur penuh dari GreytHR.
Klik di sini untuk menghubungi kami
Fitur |
Tally Prime |
Zoho Books |
Software Type |
Cloud-Based & On-Premise ERP |
Fully Cloud-Based Software |
Ideal Customer Size |
Small, Medium, Large |
Small, Medium, Large |
On-Premise Device (✓) Mobile Device (x) |
On-Premise Device (x) Mobile Device (✓) |
Pricing |
Start from USD 630 |
Start from Free But has limited features |
Training |
In-person and online training are not available |
Various Options for Training |
Total Reviews |
477 Reviews |
1055 Reviews |
TallyPrime adalah software manajemen bisnis komprehensif yang menyederhanakan operasi bisnis dengan mengintegrasikan berbagai fungsi seperti akuntansi, manajemen inventaris, perpajakan, penggajian, dan banyak lagi.Dengan lebih dari 400 laporan bisnis mendalam, pengguna dapat memperoleh pandangan holistik tentang bisnis mereka untuk pengambilan keputusan yang tepat.TallyPrime juga menawarkan fleksibilitas dalam manajemen faktur dan akuntansi, serta kemampuan untuk berbagi dokumen melalui WhatsApp.Selain itu, software ini memiliki modul untuk mendukung berbagai aspek bisnis, termasuk akuntansi, penjualan, manajemen arus kas, inventaris, dan penggajian.
Zoho Books adalah software akuntansi yang cocok untuk pelaku usaha UKM.Zoho Books menawarkan berbagai fitur yang dapat membantu pelaku usaha UKM dalam mengelola keuangan mereka, seperti pencatatan transaksi, pembuatan laporan keuangan, dan pengelolaan pajak.Zoho Books juga menawarkan harga yang terjangkau, mulai dari gratis per bulan untuk paket Starter.Namun, Zoho Books tidak memiliki fitur untuk mengelola inventaris dan aset tetap serta pengguna melaporkan keterbatasan micro task seperti kesulitan sinkronisasi dengan rekening bank dan laporan keuangan
TallyPrime dapat diunduh dari situs web Tally dan diinstal pada perangkat Windows. Pengguna dapat mengkonfigurasi detail perusahaan dalam aplikasi dan memanfaatkan pintasan keyboard untuk mengelola transaksi bisnis secara efisien.Selain itu, TallyPrime menawarkan kemampuan integrasi dengan sistem eksternal.Sejauh penelitian kami, ada 3 mitra resmi Tally Prime di Indonesia yang semuanya berlokasi di Jakarta.
Pengguna dapat menggunakan layanan produk Zoho Books dengan cara mendaftar di situs web Zoho Books dan memilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Setelah mendaftar, pengguna akan diarahkan untuk implementasi dan layanan lebih jauh dengan partner. Terdapat 4 mitra resmi di Indonesia yang tersebar di daerah Jakarta, Surabaya, dan Bali.
Kami melihat segmen usaha kecil dan menengah sangat cocok untuk menggunakan software ini. Kami menilai TallyPrime cocok untuk segmen UKM akan tetapi perlu diperhatikan bahwa harganya yang mulai dari 9 juta rupiah secara lifetime mungkin kurang cocok untuk beberapa pelaku dan jenis usaha tertentu. selain itu paketnya juga kurang fleksibel dan harus dibeli secara keseluruhan pada semua aktivitas bisnis seperti akuntansi, inventaris, penggajian, dan lain-lain.
Industri yang cocok menggunakan Tally Prime:
- Bisnis dengan transaksi multi-mata uang: Seperti bisnis ekspor-impor atau bisnis yang beroperasi di beberapa negara.
- Bisnis dengan berbagai tingkat harga: Seperti grosir, pengecer, atau bisnis yang menawarkan diskon khusus untuk pelanggan tertentu.
- Bisnis yang membutuhkan fleksibilitas dalam proses akuntansi dan faktur: TallyPrime dapat disesuaikan dengan berbagai proses bisnis yang berbeda.
- Bisnis yang ingin menyederhanakan proses berbagi faktur dan pesanan: Fitur berbagi melalui WhatsApp dapat meningkatkan efisiensi komunikasi dengan pelanggan.
Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa pelaku usaha UKM cocok menggunakan Zoho Books:
- Harga yang terjangkau. Zoho Books menawarkan harga yang terjangkau, mulai dari gratis untuk paket Starter.
- Mudah digunakan. Zoho Books memiliki antarmuka yang mudah digunakan, sehingga pelaku usaha UKM dapat dengan mudah mengelola keuangan mereka.
- Fitur yang lengkap. Zoho Books menawarkan berbagai fitur yang dapat membantu pelaku usaha UKM dalam mengelola keuangan mereka, seperti pencatatan transaksi, pembuatan laporan keuangan, dan pengelolaan pajak.
- Integrasi dengan berbagai aplikasi bisnis lainnya. Zoho Books menawarkan berbagai fitur integrasi yang dapat memudahkan pelaku usaha UKM dalam menghubungkan Zoho Books dengan aplikasi bisnis lainnya, seperti Google Drive, Gmail, dan QuickBooks.
Terdapat 2 biaya yang timbul dari Tally yaitu berlangganan dan perpanjangan. Perpanjangan bernama paket Tally Software Service yang harus diperpanjang setiap setahun sekali dengan pilihan paket silver sebesar Rp 1.500 .000 dan paket gold Rp 5.600.000.
Kelebihan :
- Menghitung pajak secara otomatis
- Menangani perhitungan gaji yang kompleks
- Melindungi data sensitif
Kekurangan :
- Desain dan UI yang kurang ramah untuk sebagian orang
- Membutuhkan aplikasi seluler atau optimalisasi seluler
- Kurangnya dasbor dan grafik yang dapat disesuaikan
Kelebihan :
- Mudah digunakan dan dinavigasi
- Terjangkau
- Terintegrasi dengan produk Zoho lainnya
Kekurangan :
- Mungkin tidak cocok untuk perusahaan besar
- Kemampuan pelaporan terbatas
- Dukungan pelanggan yang seharusnya bisa ditingkatkan
Tunggu apalagi? Segera langganan ZOHO Books sekarang. Klik di sini
The main problem of SMEs when in the early stages of the business is about increasing sales. SMEs are required to produce the right products for the market, Target the right consumers, maximize every sales funnel, and more.
When sales have started to maximum, SMEs will usually find problems with any cost efficient. The source of the problem can come from HPP, operating costs, or overhead costs that are not too noted by SMEs. At this stage the key is to reduce costs to be as efficient as possible.
In the next phase, many SMEs are experiencing record keeping problems and systems that are not neatly organized. This is because the platform they have is still simple and the features are also limited. In fact, this phase is important for SMEs to be able to take classes to the next phase. The keys to success in this phase include making costs as efficient as possible, output is more productive, and ROI is bigger.
The solution in the latter phase is to have business software that allows business records, management oversight, work output, and ROI acceleration to be integrated. In this case we recommend one of the world’s leading business software, ZOHO.
The good news is, ZOHO providers of 55+ business software, offer a wide selection of affordable applications specifically designed to meet the needs of SMEs. Here are some of them:
1. Zoho CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
● Usability: Manages interactions with customers, from leads to sales and after-sales service. Helps track leads, manage contacts, automate marketing, and analyze sales data.
● Solved Pain Points: Difficulty tracking leads, loss of customer information, difficulty measuring marketing effectiveness, and lack of visibility in the sales process.
● Price:A free version with limited features is available, as well as paid plans starting from Rp199K of users/months.
2. Zoho Books (Accounting)
●Usability: Managing business finances, including recording transactions, invoicing, inventory management, bank reconciliation, and financial reporting.
●solved Pain Points: Difficulty in manual recording, miscalculation, difficulty tracking payments, and difficulties in making financial statements.
●Price: A free version with limited features is available, as well as paid plans starting from Rp99 K/organization/ month.
3. Zoho People (SHM Management)
●Usability: Managing human resources, including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, absences,payroll, and employee development.
●solved Pain Points: Slow recruitment process, difficulties in attendance tracking, errors in salary calculations, and difficulties in managing performance
●Price: A free version with limited features is available, as well as paid plans starting from Rp59K of employees/ months.
4. Zoho Mail ( Business Mail)
●Usability: Provides professional email services with your own business domain. Includes calendar, contacts, tasks,and cloud storage features.
●solved Pain Points: Lack of professionalism with free email, difficulties in team collaboration, and email security issues.
●Price: Free plans with limited features are available, as well as paid plans starting from Rp 14K of users/months.
5. Zoho Social (Social Media Management)
●Usability: Manages multiple social media accounts from a single platform, schedules posts, monitors interactions, and analyzes social media performance.
●Troubles that are solved: Difficulty managing multiple accounts, difficulty in finding the best time to post, and difficulty measuring the impact of social media campaigns.
●Price: A free version with limited features is available, as well as paid plans starting from Rp 149K/month.
6. Zoho Campaigns (Email Marketing)
●Usability: Create and send email marketing campaigns, manage customer lists, automate email, and track campaign performance.
●Troubles that are solved: Difficulty in creating compelling emails, difficulty in reaching the target audience, and difficulty in measuring the ROI of email campaigns.
●Price: A free version with limited features is available, as well as paid plans starting from Rp149K /month.
7. Zoho Desk (Customer Support)
●Usability: Manage customer support tickets, track problems, automate responses, and analyze customer satisfaction.
●Solved Pain Points: Difficulty in responding to tickets in a timely manner, loss of customer information, and difficulty in measuring the performance of the support team.
●Price: A free version with limited features is available, as well as paid plans starting from Rp199K /agent/month.
Get 14 Day Discount and Free Trial with PT. Indo Krisna Technologi
Want to know more about the right Zoho software for your business? PT. Indo Krisna Technologi as Zoho Authorized Partner in Indonesia, is ready to help you. We offer free consultation to help you identify your business needs and recommend the most suitable Zoho solution. In addition, you can also get subscription discounts and 14-day free trial access. Contact us right now to start your business digital transformation! Click here for consultation now.
In the digital age, terms such as e-commerce, social commerce, omnichannel, and various other online sales channels are increasingly heard. However, what exactly do these terms mean and how do they impact your business? Let’s thoroughly peel these concepts to understand the online sales landscape.
●Definition: Refers to all buying and selling activities of goods or services done over the internet. It covers a wide range of business models, from brand-owned online stores to marketplaces that house many sellers.
●Platform: Usually have a full-featured custom website or application to display products, process payments, arrange delivery, and provide customer service.
●Focus: Focuses on buying and selling transactions and an efficient shopping experience.
Social Commerce:-
●Definition: buying and selling activities that occur directly on social media platforms (e.g. Instagram, Facebook,
●Platform: Utilizes features that exist on social media, such as posts, live streaming, or live messaging, to promote and sell products.
●Focus: More interactive and focused on building relationships with customers, harnessing community and social influences to drive sales.
M-commerce (Mobile Commerce):-
●Definition: M-commerce is a buying and selling transaction made through a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. An example of an m-commerce platform is the Goject or Grab app.
●Platform: An example of an m-commerce platform is the Goject or Grab app. Features in this app include booking online transportation, ordering between meals, bill payments, pulse purchases, to financial services such as GoPay or OVO.
●Focus: The focus of m-commerce is to provide convenience and convenience for users in accessing various services and making transactions quickly and easily through their mobile devices.
D2C (Direct-to-Consumer):-
●A D2C is a business model in which manufacturers sell directly to the end consumer without an intermediary.
●Platform: An example is the official website of Everlane or Warby Parker. Features in the D2C platform include detailed product descriptions, high-quality product photos, customization options, and responsive customer service.
●Focus: D2C’s focus is on building direct relationships with consumers, offering more competitive prices, and delivering a personalized shopping experience.
●Definition: Omnichannel is an approach that integrates multiple sales channels, both online and offline, to provide a seamless shopping experience for customers.
●Platform: An example of omnichannel application is a Starbucks strategy that allows customers to order coffee through the app, pick it up at nearby outlets, or even order via drive-thru.
●Focus: The omnichannel focus is on creating an integrated and consistent shopping experience at various customer contact points.
●Definition: A marketplace is an online platform that brings together many sellers and buyers.
●Platform: Examples of popular marketplaces include Upwork and Fiverr (Freelance Services), Airbnb (Short Term Accommodation Rent), Etsy (Handmade Products), and many more
●Focus: The focus of the marketplace is to provide a wide selection of products from a variety of sellers, make it easier for consumers to compare prices and quality, and provide opportunities for sellers to reach a wider market.
●Definition: Dropshipping is a business model in which sellers do not store their own stock of goods, but rather ship orders directly from suppliers to customers.
●Platform: An example of a dropshipping platform is Shopify or AliExpress. Features within the platform include integration with various marketplaces,
order processing automation, and inventory management from suppliers.
●Focus: The focus of dropshipping is to reduce business risk by not having to keep stock of goods, so that the initial capital needed is smaller. However, sellers need to ensure product quality and delivery from suppliers to maintain customer satisfaction.
A business is very possible to have more than one sales channel, and this has been applied by various business people to achieve maximum revenue. How ever, this poses a challenge in itself because many businesses / companies in their business activities do not record, less productive results, inefficient budget because they do not have a special business software. Therefore, it is important that a business has special business software. We recommend using the world’s leading cloud-based software, ZOHO.
What is ZOHO? Why ZOHO?
Zoho is an India-based multinational technology company, offering a comprehensive range of cloud based business software. Zoho provides solutions for various aspects of business operations, from sales and marketing to finance, human resources, and customer support.
Why use ZOHO for your business?
●Complete Solution: Zoho offers more than 55 integrated software, covering almost all business needs
●Affordable Price: Zoho offers competitive and flexible pricing packages (suitable for MSMEs)
●Ease of Use: Zoho user interface is designed intuitive and easy to use,
●Scalability: You can easily increase or decrease the number of users and features as needed.
Zoho Software for Sales, Marketing, and Related Activities:-
●Zoho CRM: Customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps you manage leads, contacts, sales, and marketing activities in one centralized platform.
●Zoho SalesIQ: A sales engagement platform that lets you track website visitors, conduct live chats with prospects, and automate sales tasks.
●Zoho Campaigns: Email marketing software that helps you create, send, and track effective email campaigns.
●Zoho Social: A social media management platform that lets you manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts, and track campaign performance.
●Zoho Analytics: A business intelligence platform that helps you analyze sales and marketing data to gain valuable insights.
●Zoho Commerce: An e-commerce platform that allows you to build and manage your own online store.
Don’t let your business get left behind in the digital age. Optimize your business potential with Zoho’s integrated business solutions. As Zoho Authorized Partner in Indonesia, PT. Indo Krisna Technology is ready to help you find the right solution according to your business needs. Benefit from our experience dealing with more than 30 clients in different countries, as well as special discounts for Zoho subscribing to Zoho.
Contact us right now and consult your business software needs to improve the efficiency, productivity, and growth of your business. Click here
In the world of business technology, acronyms like ERP and SaaS are tossed around constantly. But what do they actually mean, and how do they differ? If you're feeling overwhelmed by the jargon, you're not alone. This guide is here to demystify the software landscape, starting with the fundamental distinction between ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and SaaS (Software as a Service). We'll also explore other essential software terms to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions for your business or personal needs. So, let's dive in and unravel the complexities of software terminology together!
1. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): ERP systems are comprehensive software suites designed to integrate and manage a wide range of business processes, from finance and accounting to inventory and human resources. By centralizing data and automating workflows, ERP systems can enhance efficiency and decision-making across an organization. However, they can be complex to implement and may require significant customization to align with specific business needs.
Example: SAP ERP, Oracle NetSuite .
2.SaaS (Software as a Service): SaaS is a software delivery model where applications are hosted by a provider and accessed by users over the internet. This eliminates the need for users to install and maintain the software on their own devices, making it a convenient and cost effective option. SaaS applications are often subscription-based, with updates and maintenance handled by the provider.
Example: Salesforce, Dropbox, Slack
3.Applications:Applications, or apps, are software programs designed to perform specific tasks. They can range from simple tools like calculators and notepads to complex software like video editing suites and project management platforms. Applications cater to a wide array of needs, both personal and professional.
Example: Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Trello
4.Cloud-Based Software: Cloudbased software operates on remote servers accessed via the internet, offering benefits like scalability, accessibility, and collaboration. This model eliminates the need for local infrastructure and allows users to access their data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud-based software has become increasingly popular due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
Example: Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Zoho
5.On-Premise Software: On-premise software is installed and run on a company's own servers, providing greater control over data and security. However, it requires upfront investment in hardware and ongoing maintenance.
Example: Microsoft Exchange Server, IBM Lotus Notes
6.Hybrid Software: Hybrid software combines elements of both on-premise and cloud-based solutions, offering a flexible approach that can be tailored to specific needs. This model can provide the best of both worlds, but it also introduces complexities in management.
Example: Some ERP solutions like Microsoft Dynamics 365 offer hybrid deployment options
7.PaaS (Platform as a Service): PaaS provides a platform for developing, testing, and deploying applications without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. This allows developers to focus on building their applications, while the platform provider handles server management, operating systems, and other infrastructure components.
Example: Heroku, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure
8.IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): IaaS offers virtualized computing resources like servers, storage, and networks over the cloud. This gives businesses the flexibility to scale their infrastructure up or down based on demand, without having to invest in physical hardware.
Example: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
9.Open Source Software: Open source software is freely available and can be modified and distributed by anyone. It often fosters a collaborative community of developers who contribute to its improvement. However, it may lack the formal support and polished user experience of proprietary software.
Example: Linux, Mozilla Firefox, WordPress
10.Proprietary Software: Proprietary software is owned and controlled by an individual or company. It typically comes with a license agreement that restricts how it can be used and modified. While proprietary software often offers a robust feature set and reliable support, it can be expensive and less flexible than open source alternatives.
Example: Microsoft Windows, Adobe Creative Suite, AutoCAD
Understanding these software categories is just the first step. To make informed decisions about the software that's right for you, it's crucial to delve deeper into the specific features, capabilities, and costs of each option. By exploring the nuances of ERP, SaaS, cloud-based solutions, and other software types, you'll be well-equipped to harness the power of technology to achieve your goals.
The Rise of Cloud-Based Software
Among these various software types, cloud-based solutions have gained immense popularity in recent years. The flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness they offer have made them a preferred choice for businesses of all sizes. Zoho, with its suite of cloud-based business applications, is a prime example of this trend.
Key Advantages of Cloud-Based Software:
●Accessibility: Access your data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection.
●Scalability: Easily adjust your resources to match your business's growth.
●Cost-Efficiency: Eliminate the need for expensive hardware and maintenance.
●Collaboration: Enable real-time collaboration among team members.
●Automatic Updates: Ensure your software is always up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.
By understanding the diverse landscape of software and the specific benefits of cloud-based solutions, you can make informed decisions that drive your business or personal endeavors forward.
Visit us on LinkedIn for more technology insights by Clicking here .
Who says quality business software has to be expensive? Zoho, one of the market leaders in cloud-based software for business offers a variety of solutions that you can utilize for the benefit of your business or company. Whether you are a freelancer, an SME owner, or part of a large company, Zoho has the right tools to increase the productivity and efficiency of your business. Check out this article to find the best free Zoho software that you can try right away!
Areas of Business Activity
Sales & Marketing:
●Zoho Bigin: Simple CRM for small businesses. Click here
●Zoho SalesIQ: A live chat application for interacting with website visitors. Click here
●Zoho Campaigns: Create and send email campaigns. Click here
●Zoho Survey: Design surveys to get customer feedback.Click here
●Zoho Backstage: Virtual event management platform. Click here
Collaboration & Productivity:
●Zoho Calendar: Online calendar with sharing features. Click here
●Zoho Sign: Electronic signature application. Click here
●Zoho Writer: Online word processor. Click here
●Zoho Sheet: An online spreadsheet application. Click here
●Zoho Show: An online presentation application. Click here
●Zoho Meeting: Video conferencing application. Click here
●Zoho Notebook: Note-taking app with synchronization between devices. Click here
●Zoho WorkDrive: Cloud-based file storage and collaboration (with storage limits). Click here
●Zoho Cliq: Team communication platform with chat, channels and app integration. Click here
●Zoho Invoice: Create and send invoices. Click here
●Zoho Books: Accounting software (limited features for small businesses). Click here
●Zoho Expense: Track and manage expenses. Click here
●Zoho Checkout: Create secure payment pages to accept online payments. Click here
HR & Project Management:
●Zoho Recruit: Recruitment software. Click here
●Zoho Workerly: Application for managing field workers. Click here
●Zoho Learn: An online learning platform for employee training and development. Click here
●Zoho Projects: Project management. Click here
●Zoho Office Integrator: Integrates Zoho with Microsoft Office applications. Click here
●Zoho Vault: Online password manager. Click here
●Zoho FSM: Field service management software. Click here
●Zoho Webinar: Conduct webinars and online events. Click here
●Zoho Practice: Practice management platform for professionals. Click here
●Zoho Trainer Central: Online training platform. Click here
●Zoho Directory: User and group directory. Click here
●Zoho OneAuth: Two-factor authentication. Click here
●Zoho Catalyst: Serverless application development platform. Click here
Please note that some of these applications may require you to create a Zoho account first before you can access the free version. There is also some software that has limited features even though the duration of use is not limited.
Interested in accessing other free software from ZOHO? You can contact us PT Indokrisna Teknologi (Leading ZOHO Partner in Indonesia) to get a free demo session and unlock all premium features for 14 days.
Click here to open WhatsApp chat.
The digital age demands businesses to constantly adapt and innovate. A key factor in achieving operational efficiency and better decision making is adopting an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or SaaS (Software as a Service) system. However, with the multitude of options available, choosing the right solution can be a daunting task. This article will discuss essential considerations before selecting an ERP/SaaS for your business.
1. Identify Your Business Needs
The crucial first step is to thoroughly understand your business need. Each business has unique characteristics and challenges. Identify areas that need optimization, such as inventory management, finance, HR, or sales. By understanding your specific needs, you can choose an ERP/SaaS solution that fits and delivers maximum benefits.
Tip: Involve various departments in this needs identification process. By gaining input from multiple stakeholders, you can ensure the chosen solution meets the needs of the entire organization.
2. Scalability and Flexibility
Your business will continue to grow over time. Ensure the ERP/SaaS solution you choose has good scalability, meaning it can adapt to your future business growth. Additionally, flexibility is important so the system can be configured to suit your changing business needs.
Tip: Consider choosing a cloud based solution that offers automatic scalability. Cloud solutions allow you to increase or decrease capacity as needed, without significant infrastructure investment.
3. Ease of Use
A complex and difficult-to-use ERP/SaaS will hinder your team's productivity. Choose a solution with an intuitive and easy to understand user interface (UI). Ease of use will accelerate the adoption process and minimize the need for extensive training.
Tip: Request a demo from the ERP/SaaS provider before making a decision. This demo will give you a firsthand look at how the system works and how easy it is to use.
4. Integration with Existing Systems
If your business already uses other systems, ensure the ERP/SaaS you choose can be seamlessly integrated. Proper integration will ensure smooth data flow between systems, avoid data duplication, and improve overall operational efficiency.
Tip: Ask the ERP/SaaS provider about their experience integrating their system with the other platforms you use. If possible, request case studies or references from their clients who have successfully done similar integrations.
5. Data Security
Data is a valuable asset to your business. Ensure the ERP/SaaS provider has strict security measures to protect your data from cyber threats. Learn about their security policies, security certifications, and how they handle data recovery in case of a disaster.
Tip: Ensure the ERP/SaaS provider complies with applicable data protection regulations, such as GDPR or other local regulations. Also check if they have recognized security certifications, such as ISO 27001.
6. Customer Support
Responsive and reliable customer support is crucial, especially when you encounter technical issues or need assistance using the system. Ensure the ERP/SaaS provider offers adequate customer support, whether by phone, email, or live chat.
Tip: Ask about customer support hours of operation and supported languages. Also,read reviews from other users about the quality of customer support provided by the ERP/SaaS provider.
7. Cost
Consider the costs of implementation, licensing, training, and maintenance when choosing an ERP/SaaS. Compare prices from several providers and choose a solution that fits your budget without sacrificing quality and needed features.
Tip: Don't just focus on the initial cost. Also consider long term costs, such as upgrade, maintenance, and support fees.
8. Provider Reputation
Research the reputation of the ERP/SaaS provider. Read reviews from other users, learn about their experiences, and how the provider handles customer issues or complaints.
Tip: Find out how long the ERP/SaaS provider has been operating and how many clients they have. Experienced providers with many clients tend to be more reliable.
9. Free Trial
If possible, take advantage of the free trial offered by the ERP/SaaS provider. This trial will give you the opportunity to try the system firsthand and see if it fits your business needs.
Tip: Involve your team in the free trial. This way, you can gather feedback from various users and ensure the chosen solution meets everyone's needs.
Choosing the right ERP/SaaS is a crucial investment for your business. By considering the factors above and following the tips provided, you can make an informed decision and select a solution that will help your business achieve efficiency, productivity, and sustainable growth.
Based on these 9 tips, we highly recommend ZOHO as an All in One Business Software for your business because the platform has fulfilled the 9 criteria mentioned earlier. With its scalability, flexibility, user-friendly interface, seamless integration capabilities, robust security measures, responsive customer support, cost-effectiveness, proven track record, and risk-free trial option, Zoho is the ideal partner for your digital transformation journey.
PT. Indokrisna Teknologi: Your Premier ERP/SaaS Solution in Indonesia
As a leading Zoho Partner in Indonesia, PT. Indokrisna Teknologi is ready to help you find the right ERP/SaaS solution for your business. With our experience and expertise, we will help you implement a solution that fits your unique business needs, ensuring smooth operations and increasing overall productivity. Contact us now for a free consultation and get discount for the subscription by orther through us!
Click Here to consult now.
Increasing the sales team and achieving higher sales targets is every company's dream. In this digital era, various sophisticated software has emerged to help you achieve this goal. One of the most popular SaaS/ERP providers globally is ZOHO.
ZOHO offers various kinds of software that can help you increase company sales. Here are 9 recommended ZOHO software to increase your company's sales:
1. ZOHO CRM: Complete and Easy to Use Solution to Improve Customer Relations
ZOHO CRM is the right choice for businesses looking for CRM software that is easy to use, affordable, and has complete features. This application allows you to centrally manage customer data, track sales interactions, and increase lead conversion. ZOHO CRM is also equipped with a mobile version so that your field workers can also access the CRM system easily. And most importantly, the price is affordable and a free trial program is available.
●Increase sales team efficiency: Automate manual tasks such as data entry and lead tracking, allowing your sales team to focus on more important activities such as building relationships with customers and closing sales.
● Increase lead conversion: Effectively nurturing leads with relevant and timely information, increasing their likelihood of becoming customers.
● Increase customer satisfaction: Provide better customer service with access to complete and centralized customer information.
2. ZOHO Bigin: CRM Lite for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
For micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), ZOHO Bigin is here as the ideal CRM solution. This application is a lite version of ZOHO CRM which is packed with essential features to increase sales and customer relationships. Bigin offers a free subscription plan that can be accessed forever, allowing you to try and experience its benefits without worrying about costs.
● Increase sales efficiency: Simplify the sales process and increase sales team productivity.
● Improve customer relationships: Build stronger relationships with customers through more personalized interactions
● Cost-effective: A free forever plan is available, perfect for small and medium businesses who want to try out CRM without having to spend money.
3. ZOHO SalesIQ: Increase Leads with Complete Customer Engagement Features
ZOHO SalesIQ is a software that will really help your company's sales team in increasing leads with its customer engagement features. You will get a notification every time a visitor visits your company website. You can start chats directly with visitors, automate conversations, and integrate ZOHO SalesIQ with other ZOHO applications such as ZOHO CRM and Campaigns to maximize your sales team's performance.
● Improve lead capture: Identify and capture potential prospects who visit your website.
● Increase engagement: Interact with prospects in real-time via live chat, chatbots, and email marketing.
● Increase lead conversion: Effectively nurturing leads with relevant and timely information, increasing their likelihood of becoming customers.
4. ZOHO Bookings: Schedule Appointments Easily and Increase Meeting Conversion
Do you often make appointments with clients? ZOHO Bookings is the right application for your company. This app allows your customers to set their own appointments with an easy to use UI. This can increase your company's meeting conversion which also increases the chances of closing. Worried about potential clients not coming (no show)? ZOHO Bookings also provides an online pre-meeting payment feature if you wish.
● Increase efficiency: Reduce time spent manually setting appointments.
● Increase customer satisfaction: Provide an easier and more comfortable experience for customers in scheduling appointments.
● Increase meeting conversion: Reduce the possibility of no-shows with the pre-meeting payment feature.
5. ZOHO CRM Plus: Powerful 8-in-1 CRM Software to Increase Customer Engagement
ZOHO CRM Plus is powerful 8-in-1 CRM software, offering more than just the main CRM features. You will get additional features to easily engage your clients, such as email marketing, live chat, social media management, and more. ZOHO CRM Plus helps you to build stronger relationships with customers and increase your sales.
● Increase customer engagement: Provide a more personalized and integrated experience to customers through various features such as email marketing, live chat, social media management, and more.
● Increase efficiency: Simplify sales and marketing processes by integrating all your tools on one platform.
● Increase ROI: Increase return on investment (ROI) from investments in your sales and marketing software.
6. ZOHO Forms: Create Easy-to-Use Online Forms and Get Accurate Client Data
Still using Google Forms for client data collection? Make your business look more exclusive with ZOHO Forms! Create online forms for free, share them online, get instant notifications, manage data efficiently, and integrate with other applications to optimize your workflow.
● Increased efficiency: Reduced time spent manually collecting client data.
● Improve data accuracy: Get more accurate and structured client data.
● Increase engagement: Provide an easier and more comfortable experience for clients in filling out forms.
7. ZOHO Sign: Simplify Document Signing Flow and Increase Efficiency
Say goodbye to appointments, wet signatures, and printed documents that waste time, energy, and budget! ZOHO Sign allows you to sign, request a signature, or send documents together to be digitally signed. You can control all signing flows, send multiple documents, create automatic templates, and improve your business image to be more professional.
● Increase efficiency: Reduce time spent manually signing documents.
● Improve security: Improve document security with digital signatures.
● Improve compliance: Meet legal requirements
8. ZOHO RouteIQ (For ZOHOCRM): Optimize Field Force Travel Routes and Save Time
If you have a sales team that frequently travels to meet clients, ZOHO RouteIQ is the right solution to optimize their travel routes. This software allows you to plan your visit, choose the best route, and navigate your trip in one click. ZOHO RouteIQ also allows you to visualize leads in an area, arrange meetings with nearby leads, and schedule meetings effectively. A mobile version is available that makes it easier for your field workers to access information and maximize their time.
● Reduced travel time: ZOHO RouteIQ helps you find the fastest and shortest routes between multiple destinations, saving your team travel time.
● Reduce fuel costs: By optimizing routes, you can save significantly on fuel costs.
● Increase productivity: Your team can get more done in a day by spending less time on the road.
9. ZOHO Thrive: Build Customer Loyalty and Increase Engagement with Affiliate and Loyalty Programs.
Don't just focus on sales conversions, it's time to advocate for your loyal customers through loyalty and affiliate programs! ZOHO Thrive enables you to build and manage effective affiliate and loyalty programs to increase your customer engagement and sales.
● Increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): With an attractive loyalty program, you can increase customer loyalty and encourage them to buy more of your products or services.
● Get New Customers at a Lower Cost: Affiliate programs allow you to get new customers at a lower cost compared to traditional marketing strategies.
● Increase Brand Awareness: Affiliate and loyalty programs can increase brand awareness and your business reputation.
How to Access ZOHO Services?
In Indonesia, you can access consulting, implementation and subscription services for ZOHO products through PT. Indokrisna Teknologi (Subsidiary of Straits Partner LLP), leading ZOHO Authorized Partner in 3 countries. Indokrisna, as a ZOHO Consulting Partner, has a team of experts with more than 17 years of experience spread across India, Singapore and Indonesia. Their expertise has helped dozens of clients of various business sizes, making Indokrisna the best ZOHO Solutions Partner and Reseller in Indonesia to date?
Why go through Indokrisna, you will get:
●Attractive ZOHO product subscription fee discounts
●Professional ZOHO consultation and implementation
●Continuous training and support
Don't hesitate to increase your business ROI with ZOHO through Indokrisna!
Contact us via:
●Email: [email protected]
●Telephone: +62 811-1908-2333
As a business owner or company leader, you will always have strategic targets in mind to increase company productivity, achieve sales targets, expand, and much more. With so many achievements that you need to achieve, of course you need adequate resources to achieve these various strategic targets. One effort that can be made is to carry out company operational activities with an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution.
What is ERP Software?
ERP software is a system that integrates all your business processes. Starting from finance, accounting, manufacturing, CRM, HR, to supply chain. By using ERP software you can increase the efficiency, effectiveness and profitability of your team and even your business as a whole.
ERP software can also be applied to businesses of various scales, from small, medium to large. The larger the scale of a business, the more complex ERP needs it will have. This is because there will be differences in the features required, number of users, customer data, operational flow, and so on.
So it is important for you to be able to choose the right ERP solution so that it suits your business scale, the features you need, and even your budget. Of the many IT and ERP solution providers in Indonesia, in 2024 there will be one custom ERP software that will attract quite a lot of attention, namely ZOHO.
What is ZOHO?
ZOHO is a cloud based platform that offers a variety of business solutions, including ERP, CRM, and accounting. ZOHO is known for its ease of use, high scalability, and affordable prices. However, apart from this, there are various things and factors that make ZOHO the ERP software of choice for various companies.
Here are several reasons why ZOHO is the best choice of ERP software in Indonesia for 2024 according to Indokrisna:
Why should you choose ZOHO?
1. Experience and Credibility
ZOHO has more than 25 years of experience in providing ERP solutions for various business needs. Spread across 100 countries in various parts of the world with more than 100 million users and more than 15,000 workers. ZOHO's experience and global reach are clear evidence of its commitment to helping businesses of all sizes around the world achieve their success.
With such a large and diverse user base, ZOHO has a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by various types of businesses. This allows them to develop innovative and relevant solutions that can help your business increase efficiency, effectiveness and profitability.
Many business owners or company leaders complain that the ERP software they currently have still has limited features. In fact, currently ZOHO is here to solve this problem. ZOHO deserves to be positioned as an operating system that runs all aspects of your business. From finance and accounting to project management and customer relations, ZOHO provides integrated, easy-to-use applications to help you increase efficiency, effectiveness and profitability.
With ZOHO all your data is centralized and connected, so you can see the full picture of your business in real time. This allows you to make more informed decisions and achieve your business goals faster.
2. High Security and Standardization
Since the beginning, ZOHO has been committed to protecting user data and the privacy of its clients. In fact, ZOHO is not at all interested in selling user data to make short-term profits. This credibility is reflected in ZOHO's absence from various data leak cases that are often experienced by large start-ups in various corners of the world.
In fact, ZOHO also has international level security certification and standards such as:
●ISO 27001 ●Soc-2 type II ●Trust-e
●GDPR ●ISO 27017 ●ISO 27018
3. Affordable Prices and Flexible Subscription Policies
Price is one of the factors important things that companies consider when choosing ERP software. ZOHO understands this and offers affordable subscription prices for their various ERP solution packages. In fact, some ZOHO software such as ZOHO Bigin and ZOHO Invoice can be used free of charge for basic needs.
ZOHO also offers a flexible subscription policy that allows you to choose a plan that suits your needs and budget. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time according to your business needs. There is no long-term contract that binds you to continue using ZOHO software.
It can be concluded, Zoho is a comprehensive ERP solution and can be an option for many companies. ZOHO can help businesses to increase
business efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. More than 100 million users worldwide have trusted Zoho as an ERP solution to help them achieve important business milestones.
For those of you who want to use ZOHO as your company's ERP software, the good news is that ZOHO has various consultant partners throughout the world to help customers find the right ZOHO product.
In Indonesia there is now a leading ZOHO Authorized Partner, namely PT. Indo Krisna Teknologi (Subsidiary of Straits Partner LLP). As a ZOHO Consulting Partner, Indokrisna will help you maximize the potential of ZOHO products which in the long term will also increase the ROI of your business. Consisting of experts who have more than 17 years of experience, spread across various countries such as India, Singapore and Indonesia, and have more than 30 clients from various business scales. Making Indokrisna the best ZOHO Solutions Partner and Reseller in Indonesia
Contact us and schedule your free consultation with Indokrisna now by clicking here.
Get free-trial access to try ZOHO products and a subscription discount of 2.5-5% through us.
You business owners or company leaders in Indonesia must have a challenge to be able to increase your company's sales. when you want to accelerate business growth, of course you need software to be able to navigate the complexity of customer relationships. The common term that is often heard is customer relationship management. Among the various CRM platforms available, Zoho CRM has emerged as a leading player that offers comprehensive and innovative solutions for various business needs. Let's explore more about what makes Zoho CRM so important and why so many companies in Indonesia choose it as their primary CRM solution.
What is Zoho CRM?
Zoho CRM is one of the business software offered by Zoho Corporation, a software company headquartered in India. Zoho CRM is designed to help companies manage sales processes, strengthen customer relationships, and increase sales team productivity. The platform offers a variety of features that include lead management, sales automation, data analysis, integration with third-party applications, and many more.
What ZOHO CRM Can Do for Your Business
1.Effective Lead Management: Zoho CRM allows companies to manage leads from various sources with ease. From collecting lead data to assigning leads to the right sales team, the platform provides the necessary tools to convert leads into loyal customers for the company.
2.Deep Data Analytics: Zoho CRM provides various analytical tools that help companies understand sales patterns, customer behavior, and sales team performance. With the insights provided by these data analytics, companies can make better and more strategic decisions.
3.Broad Integration: Zoho CRM can be integrated with various popular business applications such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Office, MailChimp, and more. This allows companies to integrate data from multiple sources and extend their CRM functionality as needed.
Benefits of Using ZOHO CRM
1.Improved Sales Team Productivity: With powerful automation tools and in-depth data analysis, Zoho CRM helps increase sales team productivity by reducing time spent on tedious administrative tasks.
2.Increased Sales Rate: With effective lead management and sales process automation, Zoho CRM helps companies convert more leads into paying customers.
3.Increased Customer Satisfaction: By enabling companies to track and understand their customers' needs better, Zoho CRM helps increase customer satisfaction and strengthen long-term relationships with them.
Advantages of ZOHO CRM Compared to Other CRM Software
1.Security with Cutting-Edge Technology: With advanced features such as encryption, audit logs, IP restrictions, and two-factor authentication, Zoho CRM securely protects user data by allowing access only to users you authorize.
2.Mobile accessibility: With ZOHO CRM, mobile accessibility becomes more than just an added feature; it is a foundation built to support business continuity. With a responsive and user-friendly interface, users can easily manage leads, monitor sales activities, and interact with customers right from their smartphones or tablets.
3.Fast Migration : Growing and changing companies need solutions that can adapt and evolve with them. ZOHO CRM offers fast and hassle-free migration, allowing businesses to seamlessly transition from existing CRM systems or even from manual processes. With powerful migration tools and a trained support team, companies can quickly transfer data and implement ZOHO CRM in a fraction of the time, without disrupting core business operations. It's not just about saving time and resources, but also about minimizing disruption and accelerating the returns that can be gained from investing in a sophisticated and innovative CRM.
4.Responsive Customer Support Service: When a business decides to integrate ZOHO CRM into its operations, there are often challenges and questions that arise with continued use.This is where responsive customer support services are important. ZOHO Consulting Partner provides technical support that not only helps resolve technical issues but also helps ensure that the use of ZOHO CRM is fully optimized. With quick responses and effective solutions, these support services ensure that business sales operations are not disrupted and can run smoothly, helping to speed up the sales process and increase customer satisfaction.
5.There are consulting, implementation and training programs provided by ZOHO Consulting Partner: The consulting, implementation and training programs provided by ZOHO Consulting Partners are another important component in the strategy of increasing sales through ZOHO CRM. Through consulting, companies gain the insights needed to customize CRM according to their unique needs, thereby more effectively managing customer relationships. Implementation by experts ensured that system integration was seamless with the existing IT infrastructure, minimizing risks and reducing downtime. Thorough training was then provided to ensure that all users, from sales managers to customer service teams, understood how to use ZOHO CRM effectively. This training not only increased user adoption but a lso maximized the ROI of the CRM investment. As such, the company was able to see a marked improvement in operational efficiency and sales growth.
If you are interested in seeing how ZOHO CRM can transform your business sales strategy, don't miss the opportunity to access our free trial. Indokrisna Teknologi offers a free consultation session that will help you understand all the benefits of ZOHO CRM. Our Client Success team is ready to help you with any questions and provide the support you need to implement this solution in your business. Contact us today to start your journey towards greater sales efficiency and higher customer satisfaction.
Don't delay, take the first step towards your business transformation with PT Indokrisna Teknologi!
Click Here to access our free consultation.
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